Thursday, September 27, 2007

Scholarship Fund

Our family emerged from dad's graduate school days with no debt, thanks in large part to several small scholarships and assitantships that Dad received. John was always very grateful for that support. It would have been very difficult for him to complete his university education without it.

We have established scholarship funds in dad's name to help repay in some way the debt of gratitude for the assitance he received and to recognize dad's contributions to agriculture nationally and internationally.

Donations can be sent to either:

  • The Dr. John Dueck Memorial Award in care of the University of Manitoba, Department of Development, 179 Extended Education Complex, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, phone number 474-9195; or:

  • The Dr. John Dueck Scholarship, CFANS—Department of Plant Pathology, Development Office, 235 Skok Hall, 2003, Upper Bulford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mary, Harv, Cheryl and Ken:

Pat and I are shocked and grieved at Joohn's sudden passing. We are left to remember his effervescent personality, his sparkling smile, his huge warmth and his wonderful friendship. In the past week Pat was commenting that I needed to call John to see if we could rendez-vous again for another relaxing and fun canoe trip. As you remember Mary we were the two "grumpy old men" who climbed into the old gray pontiac with the aluminum canoe on top, with a trunk full of grub and a sleeping bag that was suppose to fit John but was your bag (small)packed in haste . John was so patient with me insisting on bringing our dog Zeus who love to share our 3 person tent and bags when it was cold at night.... was something to remember.

As you may know we really were sad when you left Ottawa and knew we were going to miss the wonderful visits of such good friends, but over the last 4 years we always felt privilidged and excited to hear from you and to hear of your new and exciting adventures. And in many ways hope that at some point in the near future we would again cross paths to sit together and share a good bottle of wine and the warmth of your company.

Sadly we are further away from Winnipeg whan we want to be on this sad occasion as we are having a 1 week vacation at Pat's sister's time-share in Fairmont and on Saturday are on our way to Edmonton to spend some time with Pat's ailing Mother (86) who's
health is very poor.

Hopefully in the not to distant future we will have the opportunity to be there for you and give you the hugs and love that we are unable to do today.

All our love

Jim and Pat McKenzie, Ottawa